Want to Get Stuff Done?

Want to Get Stuff Done?

"Urgent things shout, important things whisper.  Listen to the whispers."  -- Ken Groen

When I read that quote a few years ago, my first reaction was "in what fantasy world does anyone have time for things that aren't urgent?"

But when that quote was the quote of the day in my planner on Sunday, I thought, "yup."

What changed?   

In part, Get Stuff Done Days.  On GSD Days you set aside a few hours to do focused, deep work on the important -- not the urgent.  In other words, on GSD Days you listen to those whispers.  

We started hosting GSD Days as a free bonus for members of the Future in Focus 2020 attorney masterminds. (Sidenote: cohorts are forming now for the session beginning in June.  Learn more here LINK.)  Members had feedback like "I got 100% more done than I would have otherwise.”  

Realizing how many people are struggling to be productive right now, we decided to host two GSD Days last weekend for mastermind members, coaching clients, and #cocktailsduringcovid attendees, and the feedback was similarly excellent.  That’s because we've figured out a secret sauce that incorporates all those self-improvement headlines you’ve seen but were too busy to apply — like that study with the title “Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphpone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity.”    

Since we seem to be on a roll, we're opening up two GSD Days this weekend to our blog readers.  Consider it a thank you for reading.  

Here's how it works:  

1.     Register Here.

(If you can't make the days this weekend, please sign up to get notified about future days.)  

2.  Set aside the time on your calendar.  

3.  Decide what important tasks you are going to get done over the course of 4 “sprints.”  Past participants have completed their taxes, written blog posts, prepared for presentations, done research projects, networked, worked on their marketing, and even cleaned their offices.

4.  Commit to turning off distractions and being productive.  

5.  Watch your email for the Zoom link, and show up!

We know that some people find it easier to set the time aside during the week, while weekend days are easier for others.  So we've scheduled two: 

Friday, May 15, 1:30 p.m. central - 5 p.m. central

Saturday, May 16, 12:30 p.m. central - 4 p.m. central

You technically could hold your own GSD Day, but if you could do it on your own, you would have already, right?  So rather than trying to figure out how to replicate our secret sauce of prompts, structure, accountability, and fun, join us for a GSD Day this weekend.

Feel free to join us for one or both, and please feel free to share with your friends and colleagues who could use a productivity boost.       


ApochroMinute 18: Rebound


ApochroMinute 17: GSD